Complex treatment of hemangiomas in children with application of diode laser
Hemangiomas of skin and mucous
are frequent benign vascular malformations rating up to 50 % of soft tissue tumours in
children. Despite of benign nature, hemangiomas have features of malignant clinical course.
Our Center has got the experience of treatment of more than 1500 children with various
kinds of hemangiomas. Even tiny and small vascular tumours in newborns can express vigorous
growth, quite often reaching big sizes! Only 6,7 % of simple hemangiomas of the small sizes
placed on "closed" sites of the body regress spontaneously, only in the full-term children
of one year and older!
Fig.1. The unfavourable clinical course of hemangioma without treatment
Hemangioma at the birth
Hemangioma 1 month after
Expectancies for spontaneous regress can be unsound, and the loss of time is obviously not
good for the patient!
The surgical clinic of Chelyabinsk Municipal Hospital ¹ 1 has experience of treatment more
than 1500 children with hemangiomas of different types. We use various methods for
hemangiomas treatment: cryodestruction, local and systemic hormone application, treatment
with interferon preparations, surgery and diode laser.
Laser was applied both as an independent method, and in combination with local and
systemic hormones, interferon preparations and surgicical excision in 80 patients.
The excellent or good result has been received in 94,3 % of patients. The coagulation
of hemangioma with the help of diode laser allowed to keep surrounding tissues and hair
growth for scalp hemangioma uninjured, and to obtain gentle cicatrix looking similar to
untreated skin. A crust formed after laser treatment of hemangioma is dry, dense and
painless. All this facilitates the care of the child that is especially important for
localization of a tumour in "wet" places (perineum).
Laser treatment of hemangiomas
Before operation
Just after operations
In 3 weeks after operation
Treatment of an extensive cavernous hemangioma of a forearm
The part of hemangioma after laser treatment of skin