Contact thermometry in intensive fields of laser radiation

Lappa A.V., Kazakov A.A., Veresov S.I., Privalov V.A., Svetlakov A.L., Revel-Muroz J.A., Kosel A.I.

Thermal Therapy, Laser Welding, and Tissue Interaction: Proceedings of SPIE; S.G. Bown et al., Eds. 1999. Vol.3565. P. 90-100.

The problems of contact measurement of temperature in the presence of intensive radiation are discussed. A new measuring-calculative method for thermometry in such conditions is presented. The method has been realized in a setup including: miniature thermodetectors, amplifiers, analog-to-digital converter and a computer with software to record thermodetector temperatures, to recalculate them to medium temperatures and to display the results. The setup and the method have passed testing in model experiments and are successfully applied to thermometry in various biological tissues irradiated by near infrared lasers.