Interuniversity medico-physical center
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The newest high technologies of end-XX and XXI centuries have changed all spheres of human activity. The medicine has changed also. Effective and low-cost methods, based on high-technology achievements have been developed and introduced. Laser technologies, essentially reducing terms and cost of treatment, risk and severity of complications are of special interest.

Laser surgery – is one of the most vivid examples of high technologies application in medical practice. Lasers became an excellent instrument for the surgeon due to the following advantages:

  • Sterilization of purulent wounds, prophylaxis of possible postoperative infection (including HIV and hepatitis);
  • Coagulation of small (and average with forceps application) vessels in the zone of the incision, allowing to perform the dissection of highly blood-supplied organs to reduce hemorrhage and work in the dry operative field;
  • Decrease of operative and postoperative pain;
  • Reduction of the postoperative period and terms of treatment, increasing of out-patient surgery cases;
  • Convenience of laparoscopic and endoscopic operations, especially with fiber-optic radiation delivery;
  • Exact dosing of influence that simplifies the technique of a surgical intervention.

Laser sources and fiber lightguides have allowed to create a great number of new effective low-invasive technologies, many of which can not be realized by other methods. These are thermotherapy (laser hyperthermia), chanalling and perforation of soft and hard tissues, photodynamic therapy, the technologies using thermocoagulation and thermoablation. All these technologies have found wide application in oncology, otolaryngology, dermatology, urology, neurosurgery, cardiosurgery, cosmetology and many other branches of medicine.

Introduction of laser surgical technologies into routine practice was restrained both by high cost of surgical lasers and their size, maintain demands (three-phase power supply, liquid cooling, qualified technicians). But now the situation considerably and quickly changes due to development and fast improvement of diode lasers. Because of greater efficiency, these lasers promptly replace traditional in all medical branches. The new generation of medical devices is characterized by:

  • Small dimensions and weight;
  • Small power consumption from a usual single-phase line;
  • Simple air cooling;
  • High reliability and working life;
  • High stability of parameters;
  • Simple management and maintenance service,
  • Low sensitivity to mechanical and climatic influences.

It is important to note, that these advantages of diode lasers are combined with their smaller cost which continues to reduce because of technical development in this direction. It is essential also, that Russia has good positions both in development, and in manufacturing of diode lasers. These are conditions for wider introduction of laser surgery achievements into routine health services, including out-patient service.

IMPC is well-equipped with diode surgical lasers. There are seven lasers of various capacity (from 3 to 30 W) in our disposal, radiating both in visible and infra-red range (with wavelengths from 660 to 1060 nm).

The physicians of the Center have the great experience in treatment of patients in Chelyabinsk Municipal Hospital ¹1. More detailed information about sparing technologies with application of diode lasers developed and used in the Center, you will find here: "Diseases" .

The information about our doctors you will find here: "Doctors" .

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